Wednesday, 25 September 2013


this was August. and it flew by like a whirlwind. counselling went well and I started to grasp things better. the anxiety was kept at bay. things were brighter. and yet there was still a lingering pain in August. something about this month was really hard. and summer is over now and I'm remembering that a season cannot bring me joy. only the Lord can do that.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

#westcoastbestcoast part 4

these are my last photos from the west coast. they document those last days of what was such bliss. they say ignorance is bliss, and, whoever 'they' are, couldn't be more right. because I had no idea of what was to come. of how my life would slowly unravel from this point onwards. and I'm glad that I had these two weeks of beauty and freedom and growth. because they bred within me a small hope. a hope that not all is hurt and pain, that there is love and goodness out there. I found beauty not only the amazing sights, but in the people I both journeyed with and met along the way. and so much inside me aches to see it all again, to go back to those weeks. but I'm learning that dwelling in the past only makes the present more difficult and just as in that present there was such beauty, in this present there is beauty too, I just need to find it.


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